Thursday, 20 February 2014

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Use LinkedIn Effectively for Your SEO Efforts

SEO In Linkedin

If you own a website or blog, you might be brewing plans on how to improve your ranking in the search engines. We all know that people can make use of social networking sites in conjunction to your SEO efforts. The challenge, however, is how these sites can effectively help you.
LinkedIn is one of the best social networking sites that you should take advantage of primarily because it already enjoys phenomenal search engine rankings because of the profiles which are hosted on it. Having a LinkedIn account can definitely help you improve your website's SEO.
Here are a few simple ways on how you can use LinkedIn to improve your SEO efforts for your website or blog
Anchor Text and Links
This is a very simple task but is highly important in improving your ranking. Always use an anchor text to link your site from your LinkedIn profile. Anchor texts must make use of your target keywords or keywords that are relevant to your site. This results in profitable back links.
Remember that Google will take into consideration, criticize even, the anchor text whenever they rank websites. Thus, using a website-specific keyword in your anchor text can greatly improve your site's ranking. So, by all means, avoid using "My page", or "Michelle's Blog".
Keyword-Focused Profile
When you're composing your LinkedIn profile, make sure that you utilize relevant keywords. The process will require you to make a headline, fill up your personal interests, job description etc. Your profile must be rich with relevant keywords (specific to your site or blog) without actually over-doing it.
Add Connections
For your LinkedIn profile to actually work that way it was intended to be, you must keep adding connections. This is true especially if your ultimate goal is to improve the ranking of your site. The more connection you have, the more visible you profile will become as it reaches to more people on the web. As a result, it increases the chance of your website to be visible as well.
Customize your URL
One good thing about having a LinkedIn profile is they allow you to customize the URL. So make use of this privilege rather than using the default one provided for by LinkedIn. You may place in your name, company name or your website's name. Doing so allows your profile to become more visible. It creates a chain reaction that leads improving your website's ranking in the search engines.


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