SEO Efforts With Twitter
Search engine optimization techniques continue
to expand so that more innovative ways of drawing traffic to your website can
be used effectively. While the online revolution has changed many things in a
common man's life, one exciting facet of the World Wide Web is social
networking. With social networking giants such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Orkut and MySpace hitting the pinnacle of popularity, people have the luxury of
making online friends, interact with people irrespective of national boundaries
and discuss world issues without any ethnic or racial biases. Webmasters and
social network gurus have also capitalized on this immense opportunity to
expand their businesses and draw more traffic to their websites.
Twitter is quickly moving towards becoming the
top social networking website with roughly over 100 million users around the
world. While as a webmaster or online entrepreneur you may have tried a number
of SEO techniques to attract visitors, did you ever give thought to the notion
of promoting your products by tweeting them?
With Google set on displaying private tweets
of Twitter users on its search results, the time has come for you to use this
as an opportunity to attract more visitors to your website through your tweets.
Here are a few tips for you to implement SEO techniques through Twitter:
Choose a Relevant Handle and Account Name:
In order to kick start your business campaign through Twitter you have to give
special attention to the handle you choose. Your handle or simply your
'username' with Twitter must be relevant to your overall strategy to promote
your products or website content. Remember that your handle has to ultimately
become a component of your Twitter URL, so you can't afford to choose an
irrelevant one.
Similarly your account name with Twitter will
bear a lot of significance on your marketing campaign through Twitter. Your
account name should be one that emphasizes on your online products or your
overall e-business. If you have a small scale company operating online, the
most rational thing to do would be to use its name as your Twitter account
name. Another way to approach this is to set your account name in accordance
with your most primary products.
Use Your Twitter Account Bio to Your Advantage:
Your Twitter account bio can be very helpful in drawing more followers who are
ultimately going to visit your website. While you have the limitation of using
only 140 characters while tweeting, you have 160 characters at your disposal
while writing your bio, so you shouldn't blow off this opportunity. Using
related keywords to your products or business should be your preference but not
at the cost of not making sense!
Get Noticed with Your Tweets:
If you want your product-related tweets to draw attention, you have to mind how
you use the 140 characters to deliver your message. To start with, always pay
attention to the beginning 50 characters of your tweets as they will be shown
as search engine results to searchers. If you use catchy words and related
keywords that might appeal to others, you're likely to draw more attention.
Although the concept of keyword rich tweets
always has the threat of being over-exploited, if executed efficiently it is a
great SEO technique. You can place highly searched for keywords in your tweets
so that you can grab more attention of those who are searching for the same
keywords. Another golden tip for you is to keep your tweets short, ideally
under 120 characters so that others can pass on the word by easily retweeting
How to Bring your Followers to Visit your
After getting started with Twitter, now you have to get down to the business of
bringing your followers to your website. Firstly you need to let your website
visitors know of your Twitter URL so that they can follow you. You shouldn't
forget to add the 'follow me on Twitter' button on your websites for users'
Twitter users are always on the look out for
some interesting web content. If you feel your website offers just that, you
can share your website or blog's links easily with the help of TinyURL and, two great facilities that help shorten the link size.
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